Summer is almost here! Now, I don’t know about you, but I get pretty excited when summer is nearing, since there are so many events and activities to look forward to!
The last couple of summers were not optimal, to say the least, depending on how you were affected by the pandemic. But, now that we have somewhat gotten back to a place where kids are able to get outdoors and do all of those fabulous summer things, I feel like we are all going to appreciate the summer even more. Since now we are able to travel, get together, and do all the stuff that we couldn’t do the last two summers with a little bit more ease, we are probably going to be a bit less diligent about things like our kids’ bedtimes.
Which, hey, I get it! I’m probably going to throw some rules out the window too, and try to make sure my family has an amazing summer to make up for the past 2 summers.
But a few days and nights of too much excitement and too little sleep can leave your kids in a state where they’re incapable of enjoying themselves no matter what they are doing. With that in mind, I’ve put together a few tips to help you and your family enjoy this much-needed break while still keeping their sleep habits in check.
Blackout Blinds
In many parts of the world, the onset of summer means longer days, which means that the sun might not go down until after your little one’s bedtime. As much as we’ve all gotten accustomed to artificial light, the sun is still the primary influencer of our circadian rhythm, and it’s harder to fall asleep while there is still light out.
The simple solution to this is to keep the sun out of your little one’s bedroom, which sounds like a no-brainer, right? But when I say it should be dark in there, I mean dark. I’m talking pitch black. Even a small amount of sunlight seeping through the curtains can dramatically affect your child’s ability to fall asleep and stay asleep.
Luckily, there are some simple and low-cost solutions in the form of blackout blinds. Black out curtains have come a long way since my childhood days. They now come in adorable designs and color options that can seamlessly fit with your child’s current bedroom decor.
Can’t afford to drop the cash on a new set of blinds? Try taping some black garbage bags or tinfoil over the windows! It won’t look pretty, but how much does the Feng Shui of your little one’s room matter if they’re not getting any sleep anyways?
Outdoor Daytime Activity
We want to avoid sunlight when it’s time for bed, but during the day, getting outdoors and into the sunshine can work wonders for your little one’s nighttime sleep.
Natural sunlight does a number of amazing things for us. It provides vitamin D, which helps regulate our moods, it stimulates cortisol production, which despite its bad rap as the “stress hormone” is actually quite beneficial at the right time and in the right amounts, and it promotes serotonin production as well. Serotonin does two wonderful things for your little one. It enhances their mood during the day, and at night, the pineal gland converts it to melatonin, which helps them get to sleep. So the more sunlight, especially early-morning sunlight, they can get, the easier they will be able to drift off at night. Just don’t forget the sunscreen (sorry, had to add this PSA as a physician assistant)!
Consistent Routine
If you follow me on social media, you may be thinking, “But you always talk about the importance of routines! What changes in the summer?”
And you would be absolutely right. I can’t overstate the importance of a consistent routine and the role it plays in your child’s sleep habits. This doesn’t change over the summer break.
Everything else does though, and that’s why I wanted to stress the importance of it here. Whether you have faraway travel plans, local camping trips, or even just staying at home, the days off of school are almost guaranteed to throw some curveballs into the daily routine.
Now, I’m not suggesting that there’s no wiggle room here. A little leniency when it comes to bedtime is part of the magic of summer and I know nobody wants to deprive their kids of that. Just keep in mind that it doesn’t take long for problems to build on one another. Too little sleep on night one can lead to overtiredness on night two, which makes it more difficult for your child to get proper sleep through that night, which leads to even more overtiredness the next day, and so on.
If you are going to make an allowance for a late bedtime, try to balance it out with a few days and nights of regular routine afterwards. That will help prevent things from getting out of control and help ensure that your child is happy and well-rested to enjoy those magical summer days.
Watch What You Eat
I think the childhood summer experience was summed up eloquently by Bill Watterson in one of his classic Calvin and Hobbes cartoons. Calvin walks up to the bathroom mirror with a popsicle in his mouth, gives himself a quick inspection, and walks away saying, “It’s not summer if your tongue isn’t purple.”
Yummy treats are a bit of a summer tradition. Hot days are so much more enjoyable with frozen treats and backyard BBQs. Would theme parks really have the same appeal without the Dippin’ Dots, churros, cotton candy, etc.?
But, all of those simple carbs can mess with your child’s sleep. High carb intake can increase the number of night wakings and reduce the amount of deep sleep your child gets, and leave them feeling lethargic and sluggish the next day.
Seeing how they are likely to be in and out of the house, and breakfast and lunch might not be as easy to schedule as they would be during the school year, it’s a good idea to leave some healthy snack selections out on the table. Cut up some fruit, prepare some sandwiches and cut them into quarters, dump some healthy crackers into a bowl, and let your kids grab them as they please.
As long as they’re getting the majority of their calories from a healthy source, a few popsicles and s’mores shouldn’t have too much of a detrimental effect.
Get Ready for School Early
Forgive me for being a buzzkill even before summer even really gets started, but you will want to keep the inevitable return to school in the back of your mind so that you can prepare.
If your child had gotten used to later bedtimes and sleeping in in the mornings, asking them to snap back into form on the first day of school is going to be a bit of a nightmare. It’s best to ease them back into their regular schedule, and the best way to do that is gradually over the course of a couple of weeks.
I see the best results from moving bedtime up by 15 minutes every two to three nights. So if your little one is going to bed about an hour later than they would during the school year, you will want to allow between 8 to 12 days to get them back on track before the first day of school. That way, they will be rested and ready to get back into the standard routine right from day one. On that note, it you are planning a trip or vacation, try to avoid scheduling it for the two weeks right before heading back to school so you can make the necessary adjustments.
So, there it is…5 simple solutions to survive the summer without sacrificing your kids’ sleep schedule. I hope it’s helpful, but more importantly, I hope you all have a wonderful couple of months full of fun, surrounded by friends and family, all the while staying healthy and rested!